CardiffWorks Ready

CardiffWorks Ready is a new employability project created to help you get job-ready when registering with CardiffWorks.

Our aim is to help you to gain skills and build confidence in a workplace environment.

The project is available to anyone looking for temporary admin or clerical work within Cardiff Council.


Who can register?

You can register if you have previously been unsuccessful in the CardiffWorks’ assessment or if you are looking to improve your skills before contacting CardiffWorks.

We are focused on supporting underrepresented candidates by linking the service closely with the Into Work Advice Service and community organisations.

Our team will work with you to discuss your current circumstances and aspirations. After the conversation we will help you by individually tailoring:

  • Mentoring,
  • Training,
  • Volunteering opportunities,
  • Temporary work through CardiffWorks


How to register

You can register for the CardiffWorks Ready project by:

  • Being referred by your Into Work mentor,
  • Registering online.

You will automatically be invited to meet with the team if you have previously been unsuccessful during the CardiffWorks’ assessment.

    Register your interest with the CardiffWorks Ready Project.

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