Finding Your Next Job

Ready to take that next step towards employment but wondering how to start? Unsure about how to find and apply for relevant jobs? Maybe you want to do some training to boost your CV. Whatever your query; the Into Work Advice Service is here to support you on your journey towards employment.

Job club

Based in Hubs around Cardiff, the Into Work Advice Service runs a drop in service called Job Club that is dedicated to supporting those looking to start, or change, work to reach their career goals. From preparing CVs to job application assistance and accessing training opportunities, the Job Club team provides support across all areas of the job searching process including:

  • CV writing, updating and printing
  • Setting up job searching accounts and email notifications
  • Signposting to local employment events and jobs fairs
  • Knowledge of training opportunities across Cardiff
  • Support with proofreading and general editing of applications
  • Giving advice on completing application forms
  • Providing digital assistance with filling in online applications
  • Scanning documents to client’s emails and helping them to forward them to employers as required
  • Referring individuals to the relevant employability project

Employability Projects

In addition to providing in house support, the Into Work team also offer a variety of employability projects that offer structured support on a more regular basis. The variety of projects that we offer aim to provide employment support to as many individuals as possible; covering an array of ages and employment statuses including long and short-term unemployed, care leavers and those who are economically inactive.

Enrolment onto these programmes gives individuals a more tailored approach that aims to assist its participants to gain sustainable employment within their chosen sector. The projects can also help source, and finance, training opportunities and provide one-to-one mentoring to develop softer skills such as confidence building and interview techniques.

Register with us today